1. Jelaskan proses procurement dan bagaimana integrasinya terhadap SAP
Procurement is mySAP ERP covers not only traditional processes such as
requistioning , purchase order management, and invoice verification , but also
catalog-based self-service requistioning for maintenance. Repair, and
operations (MRO) materials and services.
This catalog integration is expanded to maintenance operations and project
2. Beda antara procurement tradisional dan SAP
Procurement is mySAP ERP covers not only traditional processes such as
requistioning , purchase order management, and invoice verification , but also
catalog-based self-service requistioning for maintenance. Repair, and
operations (MRO) materials and services.
catalog-based self-service requistioning for maintenance. Repair, and
operations (MRO) materials and services.
4. Bagaimana Procurement di SAP ERP meingkatkan
proses procurement?
Procurement in mySAP ERP improves procurement
processes by facilitating plan-driven and ad hoc purchasing, complete inventory management, and
intelligent reporting on all procurement activities.