1. Jelaskan mySAP
Financials application component controlling
Contains all accounting function necessary for efective
2. Jelaskan
bagaimana cara pandang membagi akuntansi dari perspektif internal dan
eksterneal perusahaan.
If an organizational divides accounting into internal and external
viewpoints, CO represents the
internal accounting perspective
because it provides information for managers-those who are inside an
organization and are charged with directing sand controlling its operation.
3. Tujuan dari
financial statement
Financial statements required for external reporting
purposes (for examples, balance sheet and P&L statements) are created in
F1. These external reportingrequirements are typically established by general
accounting standards like GAAP or IAS, as well as by various legal requirements
mandated by regulatory authorities.
4. Jelaskan FI dan
For created a financial statements required.
5. Jelaskan dan
gambarkan component of management accounting.